Saturday 13 July 2013

Saturday 8 October 2011

Actfa: Paying It Forward

Actfa was once the beneficiary of a great samaritan. Paying it forward - Actfa team started the pay it forward program. 

More than S$5,000 was raise for the Singapore Red Cross to the Tsunami in 2004. A 7 seater Tuk Tuk was donated to Cambodia Hip Hop School Tiny Toons Founder, to ferry children from the street to go to school everyday in 2009. These are just a few of the events that was done by volunteers who have approach Actfa to donate and pay it forward.

Anyone who wants to raise up to S$10,000 to pay it forward can approach Actfa to give free classes and hold event in their premises or ask Actfa to donate products. 100% of all collection must go to helping the less fortunate.

If you need something for fund raising do call us, we are more than happy to have the opportunity to pay it forward.

For more details please contact 62250150


kids 8 to 21 who love to dance but cannot afford the school fees can apply for the volunteer dance program.

Adults who is out of job, facing financial difficulties, stress out and need a place to get away can also apply for the volunteer program.

For more details please contact 62250150